Thursday 15 March 2012

March Break

We are in the middle of the famous March Break.  The end of winter/start of spring week long hell  holiday from school.  I really should not complain, we have had wonderful weather so far.  It's totally unlike our usual March break, where we are stuck indoors with cold weather, snow and/or rain.  There is no snow outside, the sun is out and the kids are running around the street in shorts and t-shirts.  The good weather means we are not having bouts of cabin fever after a few days cooped up together, it is possible to throw the kids into the street to play with the neighbourhood gang, we were even able to give the kids one of their birthday presents early (scooters) so that they can join the gang going around the local streets spying on all the neighbours.

However, today is the 7th day in a row that we have been home, there are a few things I am getting sick of saying.  Here are some of them.

  • You are not the boss of your brother/sister
  • leave your sister alone. (never the other way round??)
  • please stop talking (also always at Diggle - this kid has verbal diarrhea)
  • I cant hear earphones are in (yes I know...but its keeping me sane)
  • I know it hurts but if you don't stop crying I wont let you ride the scooter any more.
  • there is no blood, you will live
  • ask your dad when he gets home
  • no dinner is not ready, eat some fruit
  • why is there sand all over the floor
  • no you cant stay up late tonight...because no matter how late you stay up, you will be awake by 7am tomorrow!

You get the general idea of how my week is going?  I love my kids dearly, I really do,....really.

Princess was sick for the 1st few days, now everyone is healthyish, so we went grocery shopping today...with two kids.  I bribed, I pleaded, I threatened.......the bribes worked the best.  They behaved reasonably well.  I came home with lots of stuff I did not need, and without half the stuff I did need, but we will now make it through till they are back at school.  One woman at the shops told me she loved the way I spoke to my kids, so patient and kind?? WTF?  Ok, probably cause I sent them on errands to get stuff and did not complain when they came back with the slightly blemished fruit etc, I just rolled my eyes slightly and put it in the cart.  When she said this, Diggle looked like he was about to say something but one of my death stares that clearly said "buddy speak now and you will not get your bribery reward" worked and he shut right up (sometimes miracles do happen!)  Somewhere out there, there is a local lady who thinks I'm a brilliant mother....there is hope yet...maybe I can fool a few more.

1 comment:

  1. At least you only have to deal with March break. We have February break and then 7 weeks later April break. Totally sucks.
