Thursday, 28 March 2013

A blog of completely random thoughts and topics

  • I had to get a new phone before my trip to SA a few weeks back, so much to DHs disgust I chose to get an iPhone. I love it! I particularly love Siri. She provides hours of entertainment for the kids and I, however there are some things that we do have problems with. She battles with my accent, I can say the thing a few times over and she won't get it, Princess takes the phone from me, says it once and Siri gets it right? How is this fair?  My phone listens to my 8 year old and not me!
  • On twitter the other night someone I follow posted "overheard...Siri where can I hide a dead body?" I asked him what the answer was, but he was slow to reply, so I went and got my phone and asked her the same question myself.  She answered me with, "what kind of place are you looking for, dumps, reservoirs, metal foundries, swamps, mortuaries, funeral services, mines, cremation services? "   DH walks in looks at me and says, "You know that's going to show up on your Internet searches after you murder me right?" I think its so sweet of him to worry about that!
  • Spring is on it's way, so I've been told, I'll just avoid looking outside for a while so I won't see the snowflakes that are drifting down as I type this! I keep telling myself that I don't mind too much since its supposed to be 8C by Saturday, so it will all be gone. 
  •  On a completely unrelated note to anything else my ass still hurts from my ice skating fall that I had in January...I've said it before me and ice do not mix well unless its in my gin and tonic!
  • Yes it's that time of year once again.  I went out today and bought the kids Easter eggs.  I think I may go into shock over how much I just spent on chocolate! Funny thing was this morning when talking to DH I said, "I'm going to go light on the eggs for the kids this year, they don't need as much as they usually get, in fact we end up eating half."  He looked at me skeptically and said "uh huh."  Sad to say he may know me better than I know myself!  Apparently to me, going light means buying one of every kind of egg and chocolate I can see! 
  • I got them home and I admit, before hiding the rest, I opened the packet of mini cream eggs, my biggest weakness.  I want to do obscene things to cream eggs, bite the top off and lick out the inside, bit by gooey bit.  I am not sure how they managed to pack an orgasm into such a small parcel but someone deserves a medal.

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