Sunday 18 December 2011


The bane of my existence.  DH has on more than one occasion told me that I am not very talented in this skill.  I have told him he is welcome to find somewhere else to live, alternatively I have also encouraged polygamy (it is all the rage with all the TV reality shows), but only if his second wife cooks and cleans.

I truly don't understand how people even manage to keep their houses tidy, let alone clean.    Well maybe if there were just two adults it would be easier, but even then I sucked at the job.  With two kids and the monster dog, there is always the look of that freshly brewed tornado.  There are either toys strewn over the floor, or something that the dog has chewed and left little bits of scattered all over the room.  The latest craze of the monster is to burrow into the couch and knock all the pillows and cushions off onto the floor.   If I want my house to even resemble tidy I would need to be constantly picking things up or yelling at kids.  Sometimes it's easier to just overlook the mess and have a drink. 

Image by: thierry bonot 
However today I have resigned myself to the fact that it is time to clean up.  DH is going to go and do his usual panicked last minute Christmas shopping spree, I will put a movie on for the kids and I will clean.  I will vacume, I will wash floors, I will dust but I will not clean the inside of the oven, cause that just scares me.  I am in fact hoping that one day it will self destruct and I can have an excuse to get a better one with the self cleaning function. 

Once the cleaning is done I may need to make a batch of my homemade eggnog  to drive the horror of my day away, and if DH decides to comment on my lack of abilities in the cleaning department he will see a definite lack of abilities in a certain other department.

Who knows he may even need to find somewhere else to live.

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