Tuesday 10 January 2012


Porn, yes that's right porn.  I really am typing about this.  If you are reading this and you are my mother or my in-laws, I have never seen any, now turn the computer off and back away slowly, ok, not slowly, just run!  We will never talk of this again.

Strangely enough I cannot find an appropriate picture to include in this blog post, so we will do without!

Anyway back to porn, yes I was privy to catch the late night shows on cable and stopped to look.  Seriously, I remember watching porn in my youth and it was much much better!  Ok, the actors could never act, and I know they are not hired on their acting ability, but seriously, there are enough desperate struggling actors out there that you think they would be able to find some poor starving soul who would be willing to at least make the story slightly believable? 

Also, the 70's show? As porn?  I for one am now mentally scarred at the thought of Red and Kitty in a porno.  It was not something I ever wanted to see, but sadly not all the bleach in the world can erase that image from my mind! 

The sound effects they make are another thing entirely, I swear the one poor girl sounded like a cross between a squeaky door and a donkey braying, I am pretty sure I have never sounded like that!  On one hand I am not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, if I ever find out I'll be sure to let you know, no I wont, I am way to reserved and shy to do that!  Of course the length of time they go for is maybe the reason,  however I am pretty sure if we tried that, one of us would end up in traction (probably DH with his bad back and all).

Maybe I have gotten old, or simply been married too long, but these days I would be more in the mood to jump DH after he has done the housework or watching Ryan Gosling in Crazy,Stupid Love than watching one of those.

Then again maybe it's just the cable company guy who decides what movie to play has bad taste.  (that's a whole different story, could you imagine being that guy writing your job description on your resume?)